Contact us

How can we help you today?

Get in touch

Select the type of enquiry to see the contact details you need

Existing member

Contact us about an existing personal, family or company scheme

Personal or Family

Existing personal or family policy enquiry.


01823 625230

Today: 8am - 7pm

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2 - 149 employees

Existing small/medium company scheme enquiry.


01823 625270

Today: 8am - 7pm

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150+ employees

Existing large company scheme enquiry.


01823 625063

Today: 8am - 7pm

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Corporate Healthcare Trust

Existing Corporate Healthcare Trust scheme enquiry.


01823 625126

Today: 8am - 7pm

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Wpa Health Laptop Phone

Manage your membership

Existing members can manage their membership with the WPA Health app or by signing into My WPA, the secure area of the website created for our members. You will have the ability to pre-authorise a new claim with an instant decision, view remaining benefit limits, send and receive secure messages and more.

Help & support

Our Help & support area is available to help you understand health insurance and to answer some of our most frequently asked questions.
We have help topics available for both new and existing members, intermediaries and healthcare providers.

Help & support

WPA Health Insurance

Rivergate House

Blackbrook Park




WPA is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority (Registration number 202608).