LifeStage Health : Men's Health

Supporting the needs of men throughout life's natural stages.

WPA LifeStage Health : Men's Health

Across the life stages

With men less likely than women to visit a GP or a pharmacy, and less likely than women to acknowledge illness or seek help when sick, it is important to offer support.

34% of men say they would be embarrassed or ashamed to take time off work for mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression, with younger men needing extra support given suicide is the biggest cause of death for men under 351. One in five men over 502 will have testosterone deficiency with fatigue, erectile problems, depression, weight gain and poor concentration being listed as some of the common symptoms. With simple testing and treatments available men should not ignore their symptoms.

These statistics highlight the need to encourage everyone to seek treatment and understand it's important that they get the support they need, when they need it. LifeStage Health has been designed to support men throughout life's natural stages.

Man running

Young adult

A key stage in a young man's journey to help educate and offer support, avoiding complications later in life.

Sexual health | Low hormone levels | Mental health | Cancer checks | Nutritional therapy | Health screening

Businessman looking thoughtful


Continuing a healthy lifestyle is key.

Fertility | Low hormone levels | Sperm count test | Pregnancy (expectant fathers support) | Urology | Mental health | Cholesterol | Diabetes | PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test | Cancer checks | Hearing loss | Health screening | Care support (elderly parents)

Older man smartwatch

Later years

Providing and encouraging men to get support to reduce long-term conditions and support their mental health.

Urology | Prostate | Male menopause (change in testosterone) | PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test | Cancer checks | Health screening | Sexual health | Mental health | Health screening

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Example treatment pathways

Example treatment pathway for delayed puberty, unusual breast growth, erectile dysfunction

Example treatment pathway for fertility

Example treatment pathway for the symptoms of urine frequency

Other example treatment pathways available across all of the life stages

Putting the benefits into context

Typical treatment costs

To help put the benefits we are suggesting into context, and to illustrate the costs involved, we have put together some typical treatment cost examples.


Typical cost

Consultation with a Specialist
Hormone Blood Test
Ultrasound Scan
Urodynamic Test
Cholesterol Test
Blood Pressure Monitoring
Sexual Health Test
PSA Test
Semen analysis testing

Did you know...

  • 50% of premature male deaths are preventable.
  • 67% of men are overweight or obese.
  • 80% of suicides are male.
  • 75% of premature deaths from heart disease are male.
  • 7% of men are affected by infertility.

Interesting findings…

Men's prenatal health and wellbeing improves pregnancy and birth outcomes and enhances the female partner's reproductive health and behaviours. It has the potential to prepare men for fatherhood.

Woman running

LifeStage Health : Women's Health

Supporting women through physical and mental challenges that impact their wellbeing, their families and their careers.

Women's Health

Help & advice

Call our dedicated team to discuss your requirements on

01823 625051